ADMISSIONS 2024-2025

We are delighted that you are interested in Heritage Christian School. We have been partnering with Christian families to provide a Christ-centered education for over 30 years. While our website provides an introduction to our school, there is no substitute for visiting with our administrator and seeing our classrooms firsthand. We look forward to meeting you!




Why HCS?

Becoming a part of Heritage Christian School means your child is given an education that is Christ-centered from start to finish.

Our purpose in teaching, coupled with the curriculum we use, is to present a Biblical worldview in all subject areas. In other words, daily instruction points the student to the Lord and His Word in order to develop him to live and serve well to the glory of God.

Becoming a part of Heritage Christian School means your child is given an education that is academically excellent. Our purpose in teaching with the curriculum we use is to challenge the student to learn, think, and apply. We use critical and creative thinking methods where students are challenged to learn not only the “what”, but the “why” and “how”. Heritage teachers work to develop strong readers, writers, speakers, and thinkers. Our academic program weaves a thread of continuity in these areas from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Becoming a part of Heritage Christian School means you as the parent are an integral part of your child’s education. Our purpose in teaching is to partner with parents in developing their child’s spiritual and academic maturity for the delight of the Lord. Heritage teachers take seriously their communication with parents, keeping them informed of their child’s progress regularly.

are you ready to begin your hcs journey?



how to apply