faith-based learning
Growing in faith
We have the opportunity to take the foundation of faith that has been laid by our students’ parents and churches and build upon it one layer at a time. From the classroom to the lunchroom to the playground, students are encouraged to live Coram Deo: in the presence of God, under the authority of God, for the glory to God.
Our Christ-Centered Foundation
We are a non-denominational school founded to provide professing Christian parents in the evangelical community with a sound academic education, within the framework of the biblical view of God and the world, for their school-aged children. We believe, as Westminster Catechism states, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever”. We invite our students to place their faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice alone as payment for their debt of sin.
Students are guided to Biblical living as found in the inspired and infallible Word of God which speaks as the ultimate authority on truth and the proper way for believers to live. It is essential we use Christian curriculum with a Biblical worldview as we teach our students to keep Christ at the center of all.
Weekly Chapel
Students in all grade levels come together each Wednesday morning for approximately 30 minutes to worship the Lord in song and to hear truth taught from His Word. Students have an opportunity to learn spiritual principles and applications for their young lives from various pastors, elders, HCS alumni, and HCS board members who graciously provide godly instruction during these chapel times.
Many Heritage students agree that chapel is their favorite part of the school week!
Bible Study and Verse Memorization
Heritage classrooms begin each day with studying the Bible. This is the first class of our day and the most important one. Teachers present God’s Word as the standard by which all Christians must live, and they guide their students in both understanding and applying it. Students in all grade levels are required to memorize a Scripture verse or passage each week as part of their Bible class grade. We pledge each morning as a student body to “hide God’s Word in my heart, that I might not sin against Him” (Psalm 119:10).
Faithful Fridays
Every Friday morning, we gather as a student body to recount how we have seen God’s faithful hand of love, care, and provision in the lives of the students, staff, and our families. This is a time where students are encouraged to recognize the goodness of God in their lives and declare His praise before others.
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